Welcome to “THE WALL OF TUNES?”- Part II


It is a dark time for the rebellion…”  Err…I mean…for anyone who confidently believes for one minute that the content they share on social media inherently belongs to them…

The question of whether or not such an open platform as Facebook, for example, is an appropriate, healthy, protected means for expressing one’s most personal thoughts and innermost feelings is a legitimate one, deserving of exploration – which I plan to do to no small degree right now as it pertains to my decision to create THE WALL OF TUNES.

First of all, Mark Zuckerberg is a skeevy, serpentine, amoral sociopath and Facebook’s dubious, ambiguous public policies regarding “fair use” of the intellectual property of their users is troubling, at best.  Knowing that the average user is generally either pretty trusting or numbed by ambivalence – at any rate, lacking the time and will to sift through the ultra-fine print of the voluminous Facebook user agreement – let’s just assume that we all surrender ownership of everything we post the very second we press “accept.”  Our pictures, stories, comments and reactions – everything – ultimately belongs to them as blood payment for the “free” service they provide.  However the lawyers the money behind Facebook frame things, the ultimate truth is that this practice is a hustle; an exploitation.  They are like mobsters who, rather than using information as leverage to extort money or “favors” from their “marks,” have been publicly discovered to be guilty of selling it off outright to corporate data farms and God knows what else. …And then those entities, in turn, without our express permission, use that information for their own financial benefit…  And on and on and on it goes.  It’s not just Facebook that does this (remember those tracking “cookies” online shops insert in your browsers…?), but that doesn’t make the practice any less sucky.  As we all should know by now, terms such as “right” and “wrong” are complete abstracts where the law is concerned.  The money makes sure of that.  

If I’m pouring the essence of my singular mental-spiritual stew into anything, I want reasonable assurance that my intellectual property is legally my own and no one else’s – until I EXPRESSLY SAY otherwise; common, acceptable exceptions being contractual payment for commissioned works, proper employment agreements, donations for charity, etc.

Moving forward…

For years, like so many of us, I have used Facebook like a public journal through which my alternately passionate and passing intimate thoughts and opinions about subjects ranging from family to music to politics are cathartically shared with “friends,” far and wide.  Of late, for reasons discussed in the diatribe contained in the preceding paragraphs and beyond, I’ve questioned whether social media was a suitable vehicle for this kind of elaborate self-expression.  …A forum for sharing a few proud family moments, pet pics and brief quips, sure, but – as anyone who has really known me would appreciate and understand – I’m not really a chit-chat kind of guy.  If interested at all, I almost always want to dig deeper, regardless of the subject…to the point of distraction.  If a conversation isn’t evolving beyond a congenial, unoffending passing of time, wherein neither participant is likely to walk away any the wiser, I often don’t feel that I have a lot to contribute and grow quiet.  Of course, there is also the possibility that whoever I’m chatting with will pay a mighty price for making the mistake of humoring my tendency to blather on endlessly about…whatever (…as you, my audience are now discovering), but I digress…

Sensing my growing dissatisfaction with Facebook and it’s innate inadequacies, THE WALL OF TUNES was conceived to serve as a new primary online outlet (dumping ground) for speaking in-depth about the subjects I’m passionate about, principally life and music, music and life.  Uninterested in playing the part of yet another heavily biased hipster-cool influencer masquerading as an all-knowing beacon of objective authority and professionalism in hopes of capturing the attention of the all-powerful corporate media gods (conglomerates), I’m just here to be me.  I have strong opinions about what qualifies as “good,” “bad,” and so delightfully weird it ascends to the level of sheer genius, but I’m not irrationally immovable and respect the fact that other people like what they like too.

Agree with me.  Disagree with me.  It’s all good.
Write a comment and start a conversation. 

Thanks for coming.  I hope to see you again soon!


  1. Christina W

    Love it, and love you! Very insightful!

  2. Eeyore the Key Whore

    Ha ha… believe it or not I have never seen that Klaus Nomi video. Hilarious!

    • fgboughner

      I found the “Lightning Strikes” video on YouTube by complete accident one night a few years ago. Not sure exactly where I’d heard it in the past, but it rang a bell… Kind of like when I rediscovered “Lucky Number” by Lene Lovich a few years ago. They are so fantastically quirky yet horribly underrated nuggets from the post-punk/new wave era. Did you know that Nomi was a) “discovered” by David Bowie and b) among the first “well known” public figures to have died from AIDS?

  3. Debbie

    Very cool! Appreciate thoughtfulness and insights into something I don’t give much thought to, besides something to listen to, lol.

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